Sean tinder
Sean tinder

On one wrist he wears a chunky silver Rolex. But when I looked around there was a table of girls right next to us!" He takes a sip of tea. this is comical! There we were sat in a restaurant all on our phones texting girls to see who would come out. Some sort of cold/flu/temperature thing that he just can't shift. He orders ginger tea and honey, because he tells me, he is "sick". We meet over lunch in a small, unpretentious cafe off Oxford St in London. Sean Rad, the 30-year-old chief executive of the dating app Tinder, laughs when he tells me this story. They then do what young men across the world have been doing for centuries - begin the agonising courtship of small talk. The bolder members of the group approach the women. Perhaps, he suggests to his friends, they should try talking to these girls instead. He has dark, intense eyes and fast, excitable hands. Two metres away is a table of young women on a night out. They bend studiously over their phones, frantically texting girls they know, to see if they will "hang" with them for the evening. It is spring 2012, and a group of young men sit hunched around a table in Cecconi's, a ritzy Italian restaurant on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles. Like many good love stories, this one begins on a night out. Twenty billion connections and one cultural phenomenon later, its founder is as controversial as ever It’s been just four years since Tinder launched.

Sean tinder